• +233 206-619-118
  • info@magnetmoneygh.com
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I hear you give bonus and T&T?

 Yes; i. we give bonus of 4.5% on the loan amount applied for if it’s a new loan, and on the take home amount if it’s a topup.

ii. For the T&T, an amount of GHC 10.00 is given to a client with loan amount less than GHC 1,000.00.

A T&T of GHC 20.00 is given to a client with a loan amount more than GHC 1,000.00, but less than GHC 5,000.00

Finally, a T&T of GHC 40.00 is given to a client with loan amount of GHC 5,000.00 and more.

Terms and conditions are applied on bonus when it’s a payoff.



Welcome to Magnet Micro Credit Limited.

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